What's new in Sendent?

Sendent Nextcloud Outlook Add-in 


  • Guest accounts:
    • Enforcing removes the selection dialog for recipients (automated).
    • New settings related to guest accounts interaction - "disable anonymous sharing" and "disable anonymous sharing HTML snippet". Disabling anonymous sharing affects sharing files, secure mail and disables public sharing. 
  • Signatures: Improved finding of the relevant Outlook signatures if multiple profiles are set in Outlook.
  • HTML conversion: If emails are set as "text", it will be automatically converted to HTML. This is done in order to handle any breaking of the original contents of the email.
  • Improvements are made for the insert at cursor functionality.

Bug fixes

  • Embedded images now work better in HTML snippets.
  • Application intercept (MAPI) now works again.
  • Improved handling for invalid email addresses.
  • Guest accounts now work again with the latest guest account release for Nextcloud 25. See: https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/guests
  • Nextcloud 25 affected the download of the default logos. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed multiple issues regarding inline responses.