The Outlook add-in offers options to customize the file and folder paths it uses. It generates a separate folder for every user action, such as uploading files and sending emails. Each folder resides within the designated feature root folder (e.g., PathUploadFiles).


By default, the add-in uses the email subject to name each folder. If there is no subject, it generates a unique identifier. If the subject already exists, it appends a unique identifier to it. For instance, "My mail subject (<UID>)" (without quotes).

Date Addition

The DateAddition setting is disabled by default. When enabled, the add-in appends the current date to the default path. For example, if the default path is "/Outlook/UploadFiles/", and the date is May 1st, 2023, the add-in appends the date to the path as "/Outlook/UploadFiles/2023-05-01/".

Group Folders Support

The Outlook add-in now supports group folders. The directory structure must precisely match the name of the group folder. For example, if the group folder is named "GroupFolder," the path should be "/GroupFolder/Outlook/UploadFiles".